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OVGR3E is our weekly Sunday series using RaceRoom Racing Experience organised by Reddit Danmark.

You can download the game on Steam

This series requires the purchase of the RaceRoom Starter Pack that costs 10 euro

If you want to join, please sign up and keep an eye on the Google Document for more information.

Consider reading the wiki page for the game for help how to get started with RaceRoom

How Do I Connect to the Server?

Open the game and search for WAT: R3E in the server browser. Make sure you have "locked" servers ticked in the server browser

Password is 4ch

If you can't connect to the server it's probably because my PC that hosts the server is turned off.


Three races, 15 minutes each. First race is quali, second is reverse and third is reverse grid of Race 2

Don't drive like an idiot, and pay attention to the flags.

Don't flip Marko Tulska. Unless it's Flip Marko Tulska Day or if flipping him would be really funny.

Track Limits

We're using the RaceRoom slowdown system, so if you run wide you will get a slowdown. Usually the RaceRoom cut system is fairly lenient, but you might want to practice before and see how much you can cut

Incident points

You are allowed a max of 40 incident points in a race. Like on iRacing you get incidents for collisions and off tracks. If you manage to get 40x in 15 minutes you should probably sell your wheel.


- Presence on Mumble is not mandatory, but highly encouraged.

- While the series is open for anyone to join, please practice until you feel comfortable around the track before joining the race.